Thursday 29 April 2010

Learning Dairy 6

Critical Commentary on learning in this module

When reflecting back on my journey through the Module 3835 - Project Planning and development (research methods) I can really see a development and also a change within my learning process. Not only have I developed my knowledge in work based learning and as a worker-researcher but also within my literacy skills, vocabulary and confidence about the degree. I have become very passionate and excited about the project I have created and look forward to practically researching, doing some fieldwork and devising a new outreach project. I feel this is shown through the five learning diary entries based on the campus sessions at cat hill.

At the beginning of this module I did not have a clue on a project idea; it was only in the last five weeks that everything has come together. The booklet did not make sense in the beginning and I feel this is shown through my early entries. I sent myself things to start thinking about which gradually turned into targets and aims for the project before the next session. This structure within the entries developed and repeated, with how I felt I was getting on, what was discussed in the campus sessions, then ‘things to do’, I felt this structure made the information clear and gave more of a fluent order when composing the entries.

I used the learning dairies (blogs) as a BAPP network to ask any queries and give and receive comments on other student’s project, from reading other students personal entries it helped me understand and also catch up on information that I had missed due to not attending the campus sessions because of work duties. Every campus session I attend helped so much in concreting information and discussing in more detail on the task.

My learning diary entries consumed activities I had completed, Chickenshed Learning Set (CLS) and also research into my project. CSL has become a support network for around ten BAPP students who all work in the same organisation, these meetings lead by Paula and also students has given me space to put this module into context into my workplace. Trying to explain my project was the hardest part, finding the vocabulary and order of details about the project was at first very confusing. I found myself having to question the project thoroughly. I have now achieved a definition of my project as I worked through my proposal; this has brought me belief and confidence within my project.

Writing about things like what is ‘Outreach’ in entry 4 has giving me a deeper academic understanding of ‘Outreach’ and also a bit of a head start when writing my proposal draft as I used this to explain what outreach is in the draft.
In the latest few entries I have noticed a development in my academic writing skills, and confidence within the project this is shown through my writing, for example, “Since this meeting I have been full of enthusiasm to develop my proposal, the project just seems to click with the module which has drawn my knowledge to a deeper understanding of the proposal.” (Entry five of Learning Dairies)

By undertaking this module I can now fully appreciate what is involved in worked based research, the research tools, methods, considerations and ethics. The preparation through this module has allowed eliminated the room for error, thinking in detail about what I want to achieve and find out and by choosing a specific method and tools to use, this gives the project structure which will also not waste time, working things out through trial and error.

This module has tooled me with the knowledge and guidance on how to create and follow through my project. It has been a hard journey but I think half of the process was understanding the booklet and creating the project concept. I look forward to the next part of the project.

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