Monday 8 November 2010

Log 2 - Reflections on working collaboratively using Google Docs

Google Docs is another networking tool used on the internet; where you can create or upload existing documents. You can store, edit and share your work if you wish to with Google Docs.

I have found this networking tool a lot more useful than I thought I originally would; I felt that the idea of sharing your work amongst my peers like my project report would not benefit myself and that it may be of more use to others than me. But I as I went on I found that other documents which I could choose to share like workshop plans became more useful.

Google Docs has been a core communication method for Stephanie and I as we can work on and develop documents such as workshop plans and script work using Wiki. As Stephanie and I have other commitments like jobs and other projects within our workplace, time has become very precious and sometimes has been hard to arrange the time for both of us to meet. Using Wiki we can work and edit documents at different times.

Using Wiki in Google Docs has allowed for the smaller targets we have sent within the project to be achieved and also saved us time. Before we used emails to send documents to and from each other which worked but did not allow us to edit the one document instead we ended up with numerous documents which becomes unorganised and confusing. With Google Docs one documents is only needed which makes things a lot simple.

With Google Docs I can store my documents clearly and safely. In the last module my USB caught a virus and I lost all my work, fortunately I had one hard copy which I used to start all over again, but I did not want this to happen again. Google Docs has solved this problem as I can save my work to the site safely and know that it is secure for me to access at anytime. Like Delicious I can access Google Docs from any computer which allows me the freedom again to work from anywhere without lugging all of my things about.

Overall Google Docs has become a necessity for Stephanie and I to make this project move to each step of the process. It has given me piece of mind in knowing my work is secure and accessible when I need.

Log 1 - Commentary on sharing resources using resources using delicious

Delicious is a social bookmarking site, a networking tool; where I can store and also share my research findings that I have bookmarked with other people on my course. Delicious has made this module a lot more simple when saving research that I feel will be beneficial for my project by halving the time spent on normally doing this.

Last module I spent many hours finding material then copying and pasting the URL into a word document or writing them down on scraps of paper for me to use on a later date. When this later date had arrived I spent more time again trying to shift through the websites I had retrieved or pulling my hair out because I could not find them again. This process of bookmarking I had created last module was time consuming, not organised and not easy to access when needed.

Whereas Delicious is the complete opposite, it stores all your bookmarks in one place. There is a clear direct link to access the websites you have stored; you can also personalise tags to organise your bookmarks into
categories, to make the bookmarks more easier to access. For example I have tags such as Inclusive Theatre, Health and STI's.

So for this module Delicious has been of great benefit and very efficient to myself and my project. The fact that can access these bookmarks from any computer has given me the freedom of working anywhere. I have found myself with a spare 30 minutes when I can access Delicious through my phone and bookmark away. It has also been one of my main resources when researching as I can share and observe others bookmarks within my personal network on Delicious.

At first I felt that the majority of the network were bookmarking their specific project topics like dancing; which I felt had no relevance to my project and I did not see how this was going to benefit everyone, but as the time has gone on I have noticed and watched more members of the network becoming more in-depth within their research which has encouraged myself to this within mine; I have also noticed connections within others and mine projects through the bookmarking tags such as teaching.

Currently a lot of bookmarks are being added on 'research methods' and have been shared which I has been of grate use for my project and also others. I have found when shifting through other members of my network I have been intrigued and also learnt new things about others topics, which is only a good thing to empower my general knowledge.

Overall I am so glad that I have set up and effectively using Delicious to the best of my knowledge to help push forward my project.

Tuesday 28 September 2010


Hi guys just realised I haven’t blogged in a while, purely due to work commitments and the beginnings of my research! I have had the feeling of where to start for a while, even though I have been reviewing literature but in the past couple of weeks I have become more into the swings of things. I have started on the first drafts of my chapters 1, 2 and 3 and have designed and perpared questionnaires, focus groups and workshops.

I have designed a chart of goals that I have stuck too but have found a few elements that have fallen back a week or two because of my workplace’s requirements. For example, workshop dates and handing out questionnaires. But I’m now all up to date. Last week myself and Stephanie Dye hosted two evenings of focus groups to two mixed groups of 19+ young adults. This went down really well, a lot of data was gathered which has affected the shaping of other questions in other instruments. From the note taking and recordings of the focus groups I will be able to use this data to devise the theatrical performance within the project Ex-sex-tra.

I have also emailed questionnaires to a selective sample group, the reasons for doing this is to get opinions and answers from professional or others with experience within the field of the topic. For example; Sexual health Nurses, Doctors, parents, teachers and other drama practitioners. The reasons for sending via email are because of the time scale of the project, this also allows the sample groups to individually fill these questionnaires out in their own time. I sent these out yesterday and I am already receiving questionnaires back today.

Today was a very productive day within my workplace, myself and Stephanie held three workshops to the BTEC students and Foundation Degree students; over all 102 participants over the course of the day. The BTEC students are the projects target audience within my workplace; they are the perfect age as the majority have just left year 11 in school which is the higher age group of our target audience in local schools (Year 9 – Year 11). The Foundation Degree year 2s are mature students which allowed myself as a researcher to explore the topic in more detail; as they have two years of high level training in Chickenshed where they were able to apply their knowledge of inclusive theatre to the workshop.

The BTEC workshops were split into two; each year group had their own workshop which consisted of an introduction to our project, a sexual health awareness quiz – which quite a few were surprised with the answers! A discussion on how they were taught sex education and finally filling out a consent form attached with a questionnaire. These workshops lasted for 1 hour each, the aim was to introduce them to the idea of the project and also get them thinking about sexual health awareness to prepare them to fill out the questionnaire and for next week’s practical workshop where in groups they will be set activities based on sexual health awareness using theatre.

The third workshop was for the second year Foundation Degree students this was a 1 hour practical workshop exploring sexual health awareness through activities and also a quiz. This was all rounded off with all the participants completing the feedback I had designed along with the consent forms. This workshop was to pilot the projects workshop activities to stimulate the devising of the theatrical performance and before next week’s practical workshops to the BTEC students.

All three of these workshops went smoothly and great primary data has been formed from these. The responses from students were varied; ‘I know this all ready’, ‘What’s an STI?’, ‘I didn’t know that’, ‘That is funny’ etc I have not looked over all the responses to the questionnaires and feedback forms yet. But once I have recorded all the data I will be able to have a more defined answer to whether the participants thought it was beneficial or not.

I have set some aims in which I am going to achieve by next Monday 4th October;
- Record all data from questionnaires and feedback
- Finish off draft of chapters 1, 2 and 3 – I currently have chapter 1 drafted, and 2 and 3 partly with notes and the odd paragraph here and there.
- Make finishing touches to the two practical workshops for next Tuesday 5th October.
- Organise workshops for Finchley Youth Theatre
- Write a scene for the performance – which I have started to write

I think by writing this aims up on my blogger it will make me more determined to achieve them as I than can report back next week with what was achieved. I’m really looking forward to Friday’s campus session, so will see you all there!

Wednesday 1 September 2010


hey everyone add me on delicious. put in my name lauradavitt (make sure there are no spaces between the two names) and then it will add. Try this with other peoples you want to add, it worked for me!
hope this helps x

Thursday 29 April 2010

Learning Dairy 6

Critical Commentary on learning in this module

When reflecting back on my journey through the Module 3835 - Project Planning and development (research methods) I can really see a development and also a change within my learning process. Not only have I developed my knowledge in work based learning and as a worker-researcher but also within my literacy skills, vocabulary and confidence about the degree. I have become very passionate and excited about the project I have created and look forward to practically researching, doing some fieldwork and devising a new outreach project. I feel this is shown through the five learning diary entries based on the campus sessions at cat hill.

At the beginning of this module I did not have a clue on a project idea; it was only in the last five weeks that everything has come together. The booklet did not make sense in the beginning and I feel this is shown through my early entries. I sent myself things to start thinking about which gradually turned into targets and aims for the project before the next session. This structure within the entries developed and repeated, with how I felt I was getting on, what was discussed in the campus sessions, then ‘things to do’, I felt this structure made the information clear and gave more of a fluent order when composing the entries.

I used the learning dairies (blogs) as a BAPP network to ask any queries and give and receive comments on other student’s project, from reading other students personal entries it helped me understand and also catch up on information that I had missed due to not attending the campus sessions because of work duties. Every campus session I attend helped so much in concreting information and discussing in more detail on the task.

My learning diary entries consumed activities I had completed, Chickenshed Learning Set (CLS) and also research into my project. CSL has become a support network for around ten BAPP students who all work in the same organisation, these meetings lead by Paula and also students has given me space to put this module into context into my workplace. Trying to explain my project was the hardest part, finding the vocabulary and order of details about the project was at first very confusing. I found myself having to question the project thoroughly. I have now achieved a definition of my project as I worked through my proposal; this has brought me belief and confidence within my project.

Writing about things like what is ‘Outreach’ in entry 4 has giving me a deeper academic understanding of ‘Outreach’ and also a bit of a head start when writing my proposal draft as I used this to explain what outreach is in the draft.
In the latest few entries I have noticed a development in my academic writing skills, and confidence within the project this is shown through my writing, for example, “Since this meeting I have been full of enthusiasm to develop my proposal, the project just seems to click with the module which has drawn my knowledge to a deeper understanding of the proposal.” (Entry five of Learning Dairies)

By undertaking this module I can now fully appreciate what is involved in worked based research, the research tools, methods, considerations and ethics. The preparation through this module has allowed eliminated the room for error, thinking in detail about what I want to achieve and find out and by choosing a specific method and tools to use, this gives the project structure which will also not waste time, working things out through trial and error.

This module has tooled me with the knowledge and guidance on how to create and follow through my project. It has been a hard journey but I think half of the process was understanding the booklet and creating the project concept. I look forward to the next part of the project.

Thursday 1 April 2010

Learning Dairy entry 5 – Campus session 4

30th March 2010

I am so glad I was able to attend this campus session as I could not attend the last two. The campus session was used to explain and learn more about data analysis and ethic, two things I was a bit unsure about. From the slide shows and talks giving by Peter, Rosemary and Paula my understanding of these was made clearer, I decided to research into ethics more and found some very clear definitions and examples of good and bad ethics. Just Google ‘research ethics’ to find academic literature, there is hundreds of papers and websites – it really helped me to connect and think about ethics within my research project.

My thoughts of where I am in the process is that I feel a bit behind, I think I have neglected the guidance of deadlines e.g. by week 6 complete activity 7 and publish it on my blog. I started to feel at the begin of this week (week 7) my project was starting spin out of control as in I had not organised myself correctly and felt that time was not on my side. But through this session I was able to make an order of things I needed to do and fairly quickly;

• To design a survey on SurveyMonkey that I can test and analyze results – practice my data analysis. Cleaning, Summarising and Interpreting data.
• To write a letter to my place of work to get the ‘go ahead’ for my project.
• To write a document to present to research participants, along with any research instrument. Explaining the purpose of the research and about the project and myself, stating any confidential and privacy protection.
• To start my project draft proposal using Paula’s slideshow and pages 12 and 56 in the handbook for structuring my project proposal.

Chickenshed group learning set

Over the past couple of weeks myself and other members of chickenshed who is also on the work based learning course have arranged meetings and working times to work through the booklet and discuss any quires or concerns. From this learning set I have been able to narrow down on some research questions, some of these are;

• Can Inclusive theatre broaden a young person’s perceptions of sexual awareness?
• Should students have a say in sex education to how and what they are taught?
• Is theatre in education a good device to teach sexual awareness?
• Is it a good idea to explore young people’s experiences using workshops to create a piece of theatre to use within a T.I.E setting?
• Will inclusive theatre in education help explore and make young people aware of sexual awareness?
• Can developing a new area within Chickenshed’s outreach programme address sexual issues which are accessible to all young people in a T.I.E environment.
• Developing a new outreach programme within Chickenshed to address and educate young people on sexual awareness through an inclusive theatre performance workshop.
• Can T.I.E educate and help explore sexual awareness through an inclusive method?

I’m still not sure of what yet to defiantly choose as I feel that maybe I should develop more of a statement or hypothesis. I would appreciate any ideas or suggestions. I am defiantly in a much better place within my project now.
Working through the booklet at home made me realise that how some of the questions are written make it hard for me to understand or spark interest within the answers. So I rewrote the questions which freed up my head to be creative. I then brought these to the learning set which I received good fed back to how it helped people.


I keep finding pointless literature that does not really mean a lot to my project. I have been looking into Theatre in Education, Sex Education and Outreach. I know this will happen but it is just so frustrating and time consuming. I need to stay positive and keep searching hard.

My aims for this next week

• Find relevant literature
• Chose a research instrument design by professionals and critique it - Write up activity 7 – 500 words
• Write 500 words on Ethical research issues that may arise when conducting my project, e.g. working with teenagers.
• Analyse the data from my test survey
• Structure a pilot interview and survey which I will test on a teacher and a teenager within the age range I am going to research
• To keep on developing my draft proposal

Wednesday 31 March 2010

Your experiances - SURVEY

From yesterdays campus session I have designed a survey using Peter's Survey Monkey website based on my topic idea, Theatre in education: Sexual awarness.

Please could you take part in my survey on your experiances about sex education. I thought designing a survey would be quick and easy but really you need to think hard about what your getting out of each question, the structure and layout of the survey. I hope this survey is clear and easy to particpate in. Let me know if not, just click on the link below:

Click here to take survey

Learning Dairy entry 4

From reading the comments left from my 100words on my project, I have realised some key factors I need to address;

1). Explain, what is the purpose and idea of outreach programmes.
Meaning of the word ‘Outreach’ - the act of reaching out; going outside of normal scope to provide information, resources, services with the involvement or activity in the community.

The idea of Chickenshed’s outreach programme is to work with as many people across the country and communities, using their inclusive creative approach to promote the values of Chickenshed, mutual respect and good citizenship.

Chickenshed will group together members of staff and students to deliver and support workshops/ performances within each outreach programme. A key ongoing expansion of Chickenshed is to develop and set up new permanent inclusive theatre workshop resources across the country (starting in other countries like Russia) otherwise known as ‘Shed links’. There are many different layers to their outreach programmes which involves a range of themes, teaching material and performance, which can be tailored to suit the requirements of the participants;

Tales outreach programme - goes to nurseries and primary schools performing their interactive showcase of Tales from the shed.
School outreach programme – (like a after school club) goes to primary, secondary and special schools to explore themes/ issues through inclusive theatre workshops (activities and games)
Youth Clubs outreach programmes – youth and community centres to explore themes/ issues through inclusive theatre workshops (dance, song and drama)
‘Show’ outreach programmes – a production at Chickenshed which will tour other theatres, schools and communities, using a performance/ workshop devise. Examples of shows; ‘MOAB’, ‘CRIME’ and ‘SWAGERVILLE’ this shows are exploring the issues of gang and knife crime.
Corporate outreach programmes – goes to corporate events like meeting, talks to deliver workshops on certain themes/issues. Example of this is a Fair Trade workshop.
‘Shed links’ outreach programmes – to assist in the set up and recruiting of members for new ‘sheds’ around the country.

Chickenshed has many different links and already formed relationships within many different communities and schools across the UK which will help me with my project of exploring sexual awareness through theatre for secondary pupils. Although my goal is to hopefully become supported by a council which wants Chickenshed to go into all their secondary schools in their borough.

2). More detailed, expand on my ideas of using different theatre techniques to achieve the final performance/ workshop.
For my project I am going to use ‘Inclusive’, ‘Forum’ and ‘Verbatim’ Theatre to devise and perform my performance/ workshop based on sexual awareness.

Inclusive theatre An inclusive creative process which means everyone is welcome, and everyone is valued. Having no boundaries or limitations to what you can achieve when using people around you who are willing to share theirs and others ideas with you. Creating a positive, comfortable, accessible environment to create theatre in will allow individuals to reach their full potential.

This style and method has been created and developed over thirty five years within Chickenshed, it is used within every aspect of company; education, rehearsals and performances. I have been with the company for nine years and have experienced this method of working and creating theatre with others on many different levels, with children and youths, as a student at three different levels and as a member of staff and as a performer.

The reason why I am going to use this technique is because I believe using this approach when devising and delivering the performance/workshop will make it become more accessible and allow the participants and performance the time in a comfortable space to understand, question and develop. Also the fact that we are going into schools with Chickenshed’s name I feel we have to try and achieve one of their aims; to share and teach others the way Chickenshed works.

Verbatim Theatre“The term Verbatim refers to the origins of the text spoken in the play. The words of real people are recorded or transcribed by a dramatist during an interview or research process, or are appropriated from existing records such as transcripts of an official enquiry. They are then edited, arranged or recontextualised to from dramatic presentation, in which actors take on the characters of the real individuals whose words are being used.” Hammond, W and Steward, D, 2008, Contemporary documentary theatre, Verbatim Verbatim (1st ed), London: Oberon Books Ltd.

Verbatim theatre is a new style to me, which I discovered in a drama technique workshop, the idea of using truth and reality to deliver a message, issue or topic through a performance to me is very powerful and hits home to the audience member and I hope to make more impact. The topic/theme I am exploring through performance/workshop is sexual awareness. This is can be a touchy subject and I have to make sure the information is truthful, accurate and can connect with the participant.

Fact: there is a chance you can get an STI without using a condom – This statement is truthful but not making enough of an impact to make sure this stays imbedded in the participants mind. Using the words of someone who caught an STI, their experiences, feelings I feel once we explain all of the information is nonfictional in the performance, hopefully the participants can connect and feel for the characters in the performance.

I know using Verbatim Theatre there will be ethical issues that will arise. I will have to be respectful and responsible with the people’s stories I used, and develop a trust with them in myself. Confidentiality of identity, I will not show or tell anyone or become the true character of the people/person throughout the process, I will only use their words, keeping all documentation and research safe and secure.

To achieve my project, research is a key element and this is the same factor with creating verbatim theatre. I will need to interview, question and retrieve as much information to develop a strong piece of theatre (message), it is not just a play but as an accurate source of information.

Forum Theatre - Is an interactive form of theatre that encourages audience interaction and explores different options for dealing with a problem or issue. In this process the actors or audience members could stop a performance, often a short scene in which a character encounters an oppression or obstacle which they are unable to overcome. The audience would suggest different actions for the actors and the actors would explore the results of these action/ choices with them to create a theatrical debate, in which experiences and ideas are rehearsed and shared, generating both unity and a sense of empowerment amongst the group. This was an attempt to undo the traditional actor partition and bring audience members into the performance, to have an input into the dramatic action they were watching.

I want to use this form of theatre as this is a way of generating ideas and thoughts by breaking down the barrier of stage and audience and combine the two. I want to be able to allow the participants to make the choices for the actors, to feel importance to develop the story of the characters, what direction they will go in. I feel that this form of theatre can be used in how to deal with situations, saying yes or no when it comes down to if you are ready to have sexual relations with someone. Not in life decision making, a pregnant girl if she keeps the baby or not – I feel this could cause debate amongst religion, personal beliefs or us trying to impose a certain opinion on people, this is not our place to explore or do so.

I want to deliver non bias information that will educate participants with knowledge of safe sex and sexual awareness so when they find themselves in situations they feel comfortable and empowered with knowledge.

Friday 26 March 2010

100 words on project idea - please can you comment!

Project X

I first started off by thinking about how I could benefit my workplace, chickenshed Theatre Company. I wanted to create a project which would develop Chickenshed’s outreach department and create a new theatre education programme. While analysing all the different outreach programmes I found there was no programme which was aim at secondary school pupils, teaching the curriculum.

Project X – awaiting title

To create a new area within Chickenshed’s outreach programme, to develop a piece of theatre (T.I.E) using inclusive, forum and verbatim theatre, which will deliver part of secondary schools curriculum; sex education using a performance workshop.

The goal of this project is to tour around schools educating teenagers with knowledge on sexual awareness in an accessible way.

Myself and Stephanie Dye will both be sharing this project as co-directors, chorographers and writers. I feel that the support and creative flare we both can bring to this project will make it a successful one. We will both be looking at this project from different angles to explore and research the project. To achieve an accurate and professional performance/workshop based on sexual awareness we will need to research into the NHS, schools, government policies, T.I.E, forum and verbatim theatre and also individuals of all ages and backgrounds on their experiences and knowledge.

Friday 19 March 2010

Chickenshed Learning Set - 17th March

CLS - 17th March 2010 - Bar

On wednsday the chickenshed kearning set came together for their 2nd session with Paula.

Key Discussion Points;
- About campus session 3 - Designing research tools
We all have been advised to read through Paula, Rosemary and Peter's blogs. Using the slideshows they have put up to catch up.

- Topics and Projects
We all discussed and spoke about our topics and project ideas and where we are in the process. Through this discussion I was able to compose a list of things i need to do.

1. Write a letter to chickenshed of my project propsol.
2. To start writting up a research plan.
3. To write 100words on my project and comment on other people's blogs.
4. To find at least five pieces of literature to critcally analyse to become part of my research.

Learning Dairy entry 3

Campus session 3 – 16th March

Once again I was unable to attend this campus session at cat hill due to a performance I was in. Feeling quite gutted as I am starting to feel a little behind. I know what my project is going to be – see my blog ‘100 words on my project’ – but I still don’t know my title nor do I have any particular questions or theory I want to research. I know I have to research information that I will be delivering to students about sexual awareness, making sure I meet the council’s standards, polices etc. So I feel this is one thing that I need to do before I can carry on with my research plan of what tools I will be using etc. I have an idea of research tools I would like to use but if they are necessary to use is another matter, this will be known once I have discovered my question, title etc.

To catch up I have read the slideshows on Paula’s blogs and realised how much preparation goes into research, especially with interviews. But this is good for me as I love to organise and I feel I can really get my teeth into that. As I am going to be using Verbatim theatre this will defiantly be a tool I will be using. Verbatim theatre is researching and taking people’s real life experiences, words to create theatre, based on true stories. Because I am going to be discussing an issue/topic; sexual awareness, which can be a sensitive subject to people I think I need to plan my questions and interviews carefully, maybe using more of a informal set up to relax the interviewee.

Another chickenshed learning set meeting was arranged which helped me too with Paula, from this myself and other members of the learning set have meet up to work through the booklet together last Tuesday and will also be today.

Things to do;
- Find title, question etc
- Write letter to chickenshed on project
- Find literature of research

Activity 2

There are many advantages and disadvantages for being a worker researcher. As I will be researching in the environment in which I am researching I feel I need to identify these factors to be fully prepared and also to have a fair research not a bias one.

Becoming emotionally attached or involved could make me bias which potentially shatters any goal for a fair result. So I have to keep a professional relationship with my workplace, research and project to not become emotionally attached or involved. But I do feel this could become very hard as I am already very excited and passionate about my project.

Within my project I will be using Chickenshed’s inclusive method and approach; to outsiders this could be seen as a bias way of working. But as my project is for the development of Chickenshed, I feel this method is the best way to achieve my goal. I am open to opinion if anyone can tell me why this is not the best way to work.

Inclusion – Having no boundaries or limitations to what you can achieve when using people around you who are willing to share theirs and others ideas with you. Creating a positive, comfortable, accessible environment to create theatre will allow individuals to reach their full potential.

Wednesday 17 March 2010

Leraning Dairy entry 2

March 3rd - 2nd campus session

I was not able to attend this campus session due to my work placement, but from reading other peoples blogs, the handbook and attending chickshed's learning set I have been able to catch up. I have been developing my glossary of research terms, which has allowed me to develop my own understanding of different research methods, techniques and start to consider what tools I will use to conduct my research.

Primary research – This is information found directly from the researcher through their own interviews, questionnaires to shove a problem.
Secondary research –This is information that already exists which was created by other people, which can be found from other sources, internet, leaflets, books etc. With the internet you have to be careful as not everything is 100% true, so analyse and chose wisely.
I feel I will need to use both primary and secondary research to collect information for my project/topic , and personally I think it would be silly not to use both.

Qualitive research – A non- numeric form. To collect and analyse information such as opinions, thoughts and experiences from people about my chosen topic area.
Quantitive research – to collect and analyse information through numeric form from large numbers of people, which allows the researcher to calculate percentages, graphs tables etc.
To research my project I will use both qualitive and quantitive research, using questionnaires that I plan to design using open and closed questions.

Fieldwork – Is the researcher going into the chosen environment of research, or talking/interviewing to members of staff, pupils etc. Another example when constructing fieldwork could be observation, through meetings, workshops and outreach.
Within my project I feel fieldwork will be a key research method I will be using as I can retrieve all the information at first hand being in constant contact with the environment/workplace/ people.

Surveys – A research tool used to collect, show and analyse information from people. Also know as questionnaires. This is a simple, cheap way of conducting research.
I will be using questionnaires/ surveys to collect data and opinions to develop a greater understanding within my chosen topic area. This will also be a simple, fast, cheap way of conducting research.

Friday 19 February 2010

Learning Diary entry 1 - campus session 1

16th Feb 2010 campus session

After reading the booklet ‘Project Planning and Development’ I found I had some queries and worries about the module I felt needed to be cleared up; at times the booklet was a bit confusing and a hard read in some sections. At the first campus session both Paula and Rosemary’s talked and used sideshows about different parts of the module, this defiantly cleared up my concerns and also re-enforced information from the booklet for me. I find I need to read over something a few times, especially academic books to really stick in my mind and have a full understanding.

Through the session I took lots of notes to help me with my project proposal, but there was two key factors that have really stuck out to me, and know will help me keep organised and prepared within this module;

‘Topic Ideas’ – Different techniques to help discover or find your project topic. Keeping in mind chose a topic that you will find interesting that will engage you for the rest of the course allowing you to finding new knowledge. I had a few topic ideas flying around my head before the session but this key factor has made me question my ideas as I want to choose a topic that I will stay passionate about throughout the rest of the course.

'Research techniques’ – a list of research resources were given and we were reminded to use critical thinking when researching, this was demonstrated through an exercise, and to always cite research. Read into the topic literature researching if anyone has already questioned, tested or developed the topic area. I want to be able to develop and discover a very strong individual project which will benefit my work place, the community and me.

What I need to do before next campus session.....
1. To start thinking about two topics ideas for my project, then start to research into supporting that topic. (Remembering to use critical thinking and to reference any research)
2. To Read the ‘guidance notes’ and the rest of the booklet
3. To Read book by Bell (especially chapter 1 and 2 )
4. Keep reading advisors blogs.

Sunday 3 January 2010


Hi guys,
Merry xmas and happy new year to all. I have put up my academic draft and other drafts of descriptive, would be very grateful if anyone could comment on them, espesically the academic style - i have found this quite hard and don't really know if im going down the right route.

hope everyone is well
thankyou laura

Descriptive Piece Draft 3

We were interrupted by the very loud ringing of a school bell, the high pitched sound echoed in my ears, silence rippled amongst us as we all became still. We all set our eyes upon the large black and white plastic clock above the hall entrance, and realised our fate, the first performance of ‘Tales from Geppetto’s workshop’ was about to draw back its curtains to an audience for the first time. Our hard work, which felt like our new born baby, was about to be examined by the most honest audience participant a performer could ever have, children.

I took a long heavy breath to calm my heart which was thumping like a bass drum, as I prepared myself for my starting statue like position. We all waited in suspense as I could hear the cheeky, chirpy children’s voices bouncing around on the other side of the wooden doors.

Suddenly the grand doors which looked liked they had grown taller in seconds swung open with a gust of wind throwing dust in my eyes. Through the doors entered a woman surfing a wave of happy hands pulling and tugging. The innocent children were all walking on their tip toes with excitement, all ready for a new day of fun learning, knowing they had a very special treat in store.

The children were staring with joy at our brightly coloured costumes so much that they were bumping into each other like a small car pileup. A Roar of “ooo’s” & “Ahh’s” filled the hall as the eager audience were marvelled as Mark; a fellow performer, balanced on one hand up side down. This broke the imaginary divider between the performers and the audience, as it seemed each child started to ask a million and one questions all at the same time.

But before I could answer any of them the show had begin, cue music, I could feel my nerves rippling from my toes up to my head, cue actors, I swallowed a deep breath to compose myself and it was me in the beaming limelight. My eyes witnessed nearly two hundred children in a sea of red uniforms fixated on me.

Without racking my nerves I introduced my character with confidence and pride in a low strong voice, “Pinocchi-A”. I am a talented musical wind-up toy who is old and wise and loves to perform. I lapped up the children’s undivided attention as I told my story, “I was first created very slow, created without any flow, quickly made from head to toe, my joints would stop and start to go, but my secret passion and my dream, is to make my sound and to be seen, telling jokes the stage was mine, but my jaw got stuck”… I was then joined by a fluffy yellow and white friend, my conscience in the show Jiminy chick, a magical puppet.

The show went down a treat, leaving our very hungry audience wanting even more!
An overwhelming burst of cheers, claps and beaming smiles left me with a great sense of achievement. I found their amazing reaction and huge amounts of energy gave me lots inspiration and confidence for future performances.

Saturday 2 January 2010

Writing Style 3

Every child matters

Clive Jones at Carton Television says that ‘We need an education system that gives our children an edge… We need to equip our young people with powers of innovation and creativity’[1] the children of today live in a world where they experience continuing changes in the economy, in work situations and employment. So it is vital that every child is equipped with the tools to grow and develop its full potential. This essay will look at how Chickenshed theatre inclusive theatre techniques are designed to develop all these areas.

The critical period for development of many foundational skills in all areas, particularly the creative development is the period from birth to eight years. It is extremely important to develop children’s creativity by providing support for their curiosity, through exploration and play. The National Strategies[2] recognizes the need for provision of these opportunities. ‘Children have a natural curiosity; they need to see, to hear, to feel and to touch. Children need to explore and share their thoughts, ideas and feelings, for example, through a variety of art, music, movement, dance, imaginative and role-play activities’ [3]. Key Stage One (5-7 years) gives particular focus on, for example, allowing the children to develop their own creativity, whilst learning key skills.

Chickenshed Tales team work throughout the country going into schools using their inclusive theatre approach with shows and workshops to develop children’s creativity. Using the Early Years Foundation Stages[4] as a stimulus for their theatre and workshop productions. Their aim is to include every child and help them to achieve their personal best. Within each show/workshop every child’s creativity is valued and is used in the final ‘Tales’ show. For example tales theme of the week is Animal; the tales team will give instructions through Lion to explore the children’s creativity and ideas. Whether a child gives an idea or suggestion that is not directly related to the theme, this is incorporated into the show. Tales team never miss an opportunity to develop a child’s creativity within the arts. Chickenshed, ‘where everyone is welcomed, and everyone is valued’ [5]

Enfield Education Authority is linked with Chickenshed to develop and contribute to the training/ development programmes that are offered to teaching assistants and teachers within Enfield borough. Early Years Training Course [6] Enfield uses the Tales programme ‘Tales from the Shed’ as a stimulus, to demonstrate that performing arts is a vital tool for supporting learning in the Early Years (0-8years) Every child will be enriched with a new positive inclusive method of learning within their class room. Every child learns and communicates in different ways; through the ‘Chickenshed Training and development programme’ [7] the teachers can learn new activities and apply new styles of teaching to each child’s needs.

The world can only benefit from the development of its greatest resource, its children. The more they are stimulated and encouraged to be creative the more they gain confidence with more effective communication the more it enriches society. The skills acquired during the creative process enable the children to achieve more successfully as adults.

[1] Government Report: Department of Education, May 1999. National Advisory Committee on Creative and Cultural Education. [All Our Futures: Creativity, Culture and Education], [Online] UK: HM Stationery Office. [Accessed 21st November 2009].

[2] The National Strategies(2009) creative development [Accessed 21st November].

[3] Child, D, 1977, Psychology and the teacher. (2nd ed). Glasgow: William Collins Sons & Company Ltd.

[4] Early years foundation book

[5] Chickenshed, 2009. About Chickenshed [Accessed 20th November 2009].

[6] Chickenshed, 2006. Chickenshed Training and Development Programme. (Booklet twelve) Accessed 20th November 2009].

[7] Enfield Council (2009) Early Years Training Course Linked to Tales From the Shed [Accessed 20th November 2009].

Further research looked at but not directly quoted from:

Gillard, D. 'The Plowden Report', the encyclopaedia of informal education, [Accessed 21st Novemeber 2009].

Every Child Matters, 2009. About Every Child Matters [Online] [Accessed 20th November 2009].

Phillip Pullman, 2003, ‘All around you is silence’, The Guardian [Online], 5 June. Available from: [Accessed 23 November 2009].